} Meaning of Effrontery, Restrained, Assiduous, Objective, Subside in a Sentence - Words In Sentences

Meaning of Effrontery, Restrained, Assiduous, Objective, Subside in a Sentence

Jack could not believe his lazy coworker’s effrontery. How dare the man take credit for his work! Still Jack knew he had to keep his temper restrained and not display his anger. He was certain that in time his boss would realize he was an assiduous worker who never overlooked details and never failed to reach his daily objective or goal. Right now, Jack had to deal with something more pressing, a headache of epic proportions. He took two Tylenol capsules and hoped the medicine would make the throbbing subside.



Vocabulary Definitions

Effrontery – the nerve or blatant boldness

 Restrained – kept under control

 Assiduous – describing a person who works hard and is very careful with details

 Objective – a goal that is to be achieved

 Subside – lessen or decrease


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